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Healthy at Home – Interview with Liz G.

We hope you have been enjoying our Healthy at Home series! For today’s interview, we got to ask our Marketing Coordinator Liz Gerlach about her experience working remotely and social distancing. Always making her team smile, Liz loves to share punny jokes and fun animal facts. She’s also a new mom this year! We hope you gain some encouragement and insight by hearing her perspective on health and wellness.

What does a healthy lifestyle mean to you? 

Liz G.:
These days, with being a new mom, a healthy lifestyle is making sure I’m in the right head space so that I can mentally prep for taking care of my daughter. Basically, taking care of myself so that I can take care of her. I’m trying to eat well to be a better example for her – and hopefully stave off those future fights about vegetables! I’m trying to set those kinds of habits now so that I can model that for her.

How has social distancing and remote working affected your wellness and daily routine? 

Liz G.:
Honestly, I am loving it! Being more introverted in nature, I have had more time to recharge. Just being able to hunker down with my family has been really great. Obviously there are things I miss and activities that we miss out, especially with having our first baby. And as a constant worrier, there are new rules and things to be aware of, too! But overall, it’s been good for me to rest, relax, and recharge.

If we made a favorites list for all things wellness related – healthy snack ideas, books, motivational people to follow on social media, fitness planning, at-home exercises – what two or three things would be at the top of your list? 

Liz G.:
For sure one of the top ones is meal prepping. I like to cook double and freeze meals for later. It’s so easy to cook everything at once and then have it ready to go when you need it, and it keeps me from using the excuse of “I don’t feel like cooking.”

Also, I think making the time to get at least a little bit of sunlight every day. Be in nature. There are studies they’ve done that even having fake plants around the house can affect your mood positively! So I’m trying to get a little of the real thing. We need sunlight and nature to help us recharge.

Lastly, what is one piece of advice you would give to someone reading this article and looking to commit to a more whole and healthy lifestyle? 

Liz G.:
Make time for self care, even if it’s just 5 minutes. Do something that’s beneficial to you – no matter what that looks like. Make time for it and practice it every single day. If you’re doing that, it’s going to help you in so many ways!

About: Healthy at Home is a series of short interviews to highlight different allsynx employees and their health and wellness experiences while working remotely and social distancing due to COVID-19. Each week this August, we’ll ask different employees the same four questions. We hope you can gain insight from their various responses to help promote your own physical, mental, and emotional wellness in whatever situation you currently find yourself because of the pandemic. 

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