Updates to Our Weekly Webinars

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has attended any of our HUB University webinars.  We value your attendance and appreciate any feedback you may have for us.  There are a number of ways you can send in suggestions or comments to the HUB University team including emailing us at hubuniversity@thebenefitshub.com, contacting us via the Contact Us feature in this blog, or by completing a survey at the end of many of our webinars.  As we have mentioned during our webinars, we do truly read your responses and enhance the training program based on your suggestions.  If you haven’t checked out our Training Enhancement page, click here and you will be able to view all of the updates we have made based on your feedback.

One suggestion that we have received is updating our Weekly Webinars (HUBster Orientation, Campus Life, and Advanced Studies) to an on-demand schedule in which you may watch the webinars at your own time and own pace.  The HUB U Guidelines will still apply, however, you may select your own class schedule.  Please review the image below that will provide you a bit more details.

As always, on behalf of HUB University, we appreciate you taking the time to attend these webinars, and we look forward to enhancing your learning experience even more!

Thank you,

Amber O’Reilly
Trainer, Benefits Technology



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