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Building Benefits in THExpressHUB

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After entering company details on the first page of the New Company Request submission in THExpressHUB, the next step in the process is to build and add benefits to your company. This is done on page 2, the Plans page. An example of the Plans page is shown below.

This page is made up of two sections. On the left is the Plan Setup section, where you will complete each field to build your benefits into the system. On the right is the Plans section. This section will start off blank and, as you add each plan into the company, they will display here.

Note that your initial view when first opening this page may be slightly different, depending on the exchange you are using, as it may have a different benefit type displayed.

Each benefit type you can build will have some fields that are common to all benefits, along with some fields that are unique to the benefit type you are building. You can learn more about specific benefit types in other articles in The Learning Lab.

Plan Setup – Common Fields

For each plan you build, you will start off by selecting the benefit type, adding the Carrier and plan names, and setting some basic eligibility rules. The fields shown below are common to ALL benefit types. You can click the hotspot icons on the image () to learn more about each field on this section of the page.

Plan Setup – Coverages, Rates, and Eligibility

The next section of each plan setup will be different for each benefit type.

The example shown in the Introduction image is a Dental plan – a Tiered benefit that may have different rates depending on the combination of employee and dependents electing into the plan. Tiered plans include fields to determine which dependent types are eligible, as well as a section to add each tier’s rate and employer contribution.

The example below shows the Coverages and Rates section of a Life plan, which includes fields to determine available and guaranteed coverage amounts, rates based on coverage, and reduction schedules.

For more specific information on each of the fields in each type of benefit available to you, be sure to check out the various Building Benefits articles in The Learning Lab!

Plan Setup – Contingencies

The final field of the Plan Setup section is common to ALL benefit types. This section allows you to make employee election into the plan you are building contingent on the employee electing another plan. This field will start out with [None] as the only option. As you add plans to the company, they will populate into the field.

To make your plan contingent on another plan, simply select that plan from the list. Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking plans to select multiple plans.

The image below shows how plans added to the company will populate into this field. (Blue highlight shows a selected contingency)

Adding/Copying/Editing/Deleting Plans

When you have finished completing the fields on the plan you are building, be sure to hit the Add Plan button below the contingencies field. The plan you added will appear in the Plans section on the right side of the page, as shown in the image below. You can click the hotspot icons on the image () to learn more about this section of the page.

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