Three Tips for a Household Filled with Remote Workers

Three remote workers and only one house! With the changes going around the country this worldwide pandemic is affecting every household in a different way. To make these adjustments a little more bearable, I’ve got some tips for you! To start off, I am a Talent Development Assistant here at allsynx, I live with my dad who is the CEO and my mom who is a third-grade teacher. I hope you find these tips below helpful to you and your loved ones!

  1. Find Your Own Space

See, we live in Rockwall and my mom who is a third-grade teacher loves to have some enthusiasm behind her voice. Sometimes it feels like she’s loud enough that her coworkers in Wylie could hear her out their bedroom window! She’s tried headsets but the only thing that seems to help my dad and I concentrate is blocking her off into another room. Now we work upstairs on the opposite side of the house! So, remember spreading out definitely helps!

  1. Establish “Quiet” Working Hours

Another problem we have run into is family disturbances during meetings. I have a 19-year-old brother who seems to think he can bust into any room at full volume. Now I don’t blame him considering that’s how our house has always been before now. In the beginning, this happened more often, but over the past few weeks my family has learned that through the hours 8-6, we must keep a low volume and always peak into a room first. So, a set “quiet time” might help through the week.

  1. Create a Schedule

Going an entire day without being able to talk to each other could be a little much to ask of your family, especially if you have little ones! For my family we love to talk, although we don’t have little ones running around, we create a schedule putting it up in the kitchen every morning. This helps us know when one another’s free time is so we can get a few words out and catch up with one another before dinner time. For my family we tend to schedule lunch together!

Throughout this worldwide learning experience, the most significant tip I can give you is to find what works best for your situation. Every family is different, but there is always a solution! To learn more feel free to contact us at, and happy learning!

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